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South East Queens Muslim Collective, Inc.
Fostering Dialogue, Collaboration & Encouraging Civic Engagement

Programs & Community Engagement Accomplishments
"Fostering Dialogue, Collaboration and Civic Engagement"
SEQMC joins the Islamic Leadership Council of New York City aka Majlis Ash-Shura and other NYC based Islamic organizations who comprise the New York Muslim Voter's Project (NYMVP) at its launch press conference. Masjid At-Taqwa, Brooklyn, NY; March 5, 2021, 2:00 PM.
"What Happens After the Ballot?" SEQMC partners with ICNA's Council on Social Justice and New York Muslims United for Civic Engagement in a Black History Month exploration of El-Hajj Malik Shabazz's 1964 "The Ballot or the Bullet" speech and where we are politically today now that Black Americans have mobilized and demonstrated that the votes of Black Americans count and are conscientious! Speakers, Imam Khalid Grigg's from ICNACSJ and SEQMC's honorable Imam Aiyub Abdul Baki, February 20, 2021, 2:00 PM.
SEQMC Food Distribution in collaboration with Queens Dedenders: Distribution of boxes of food and milk to residents living in the area of Foch and Guy R. Brewer Blvds. in Jamaica, NY. November 13 2020.
SEQMC Facebook launch of 30 days of Voter Motivation. Daily motivational images and quotes of voting past and present. October 3 - November 3, 2020. Visit us at the Facebook link above.
Census ​Caravan with Khaleel Anderson in support of the Census Countdown concentrating on So. Ozone Park. Participating organization, Sunday, September 20, 2020; 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM.
Census ​& Voter Education information Distribution at Rufus King Park, 89th Ave. & Jamaica Avenue, Saturday, September 12, 2020; 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM.
Census ​& Voter Education Information distribution at Rufus King Park, 89th Ave. & Jamaica Avenue, Saturday, September 5, 2020; 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM.
DOWN TO THE WIRE: Census and Voter Education ZOOM Forum hosted by ICNA, SEQMC and NYCMUCE. Social Media Meeting with Islamic Organizations, local elected officials to discuss importance of the census and voting, August 30, 2020; 2:00 PM.
Census ​& Voter Education information distribution at Community Night on Hillside Avenue & 168th Street, Saturday, August 22, 2020; 4:30 - 6:30 PM.
Borough President's Complete Count Committee Census Caravan 2.0; SEQMC participates with other SE Queens organizations to promote completion go the 2020 census via our cars; SEQMC visits Co. Ozone Park & So. Jamaica, August 22, 2020; 10 AM - 12 PM
Census ​& Voter Education information Distribution at Community Night on Black Lives Matter Blvd., Jamaica Avanue & 153rd Street, Thursday, August 6, 2020; 6:30 PM.
Painting of Black Lives Matters Blvd. at 153rd and Jamaica Avenue; Participant with other SE Queens organizations, July 31, 2020.
Census Information Distribution & Voter Registration Table at King Manor Museum, Rufus King Park, Friday, July 3, 2020, 11 AM - 3:00 PM.
Borough President's Complete Count Committee (CCC) ZOOM presentation Introducing Jamaica by SEQMC followed by Census phone banking, Friday, June 26, 2020; 12:00 PM.
Prepared and Halal Meat Food distribution at Masjid Al-Hamdulillah, Sutphin Blvd., Jamaica, NY; Wednesday June 24, 2020, 6 - 8:00 PM.
PPE Mask and Voter registration/education information distribution on Parson's Blvd. with YMCA; Sunday June 21, 2020.
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: New York City Tenant's Rights In the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic, with Queens Legal Services & First Presbyterian Church. Social media presentation, June 9, 2020; 7:30 PM.
Islamic Leadership Council and Muslim Organizations including SEQMC commit to anti-racist, structural racism and police brutality in respond to killing of George Floyd in Call-out at Harlem State Office Building, Tuesday, June 9, 2020
Resurrection of SEQMC Facebook Page and distribution of new SEQMC Census 2020 Flier and 2020 Primary promotion in SE Queens neighborhoods and via social media, June 6, 2020.
SEQMC Capacity Building Board Meeting. SEQMC Board of Directors Meeting with New York City Council member I. Daneek Miller, 27th CD to present and share SEQMC planning to serve residents of SE Queens residents, Thursday, May 16, 2020
American Cancer Society Recognition Certificate. SEQMC receipt of certification from the American Cancer Society for our donated advertisement in the Queens Chronicle promoting Census 2020t participation, May 23, 2020.
5th Annual Ramadan Community Iftar (1st Virtual Iftar) - SEQMC and ICNA, with NYC Council member I. Daneek Miller present Zoom Virtual Iftar program, Saturday, May 16, 2020
Ramadan Iftar Halal Food Distribution at Two South East Queens Locations - SEQMC members and volunteers distribute and deliver 700 halal pantry boxes at Masjid Al-Hamdulillah and ICNA, Saturday, May 16, 2020
Mother's Day 2020 Release of SEQMC Census 2020 Flier & Decal: "What Time Is It? Time for South East Queens To Be Counted 100%" - Email blast distribution and downloadable posting on, May 10, 2020
NYC Census 2020 Weekend. - Promoted Census 2020 census form completion by participating in weekend social media campaign, May 1-3, 2020
A Day of Prayer for Our Community: SEQMC with NYC Council member I Daneek Miller - Zoom session reading of the Holy Qur'an, Friday, April 17, 2020
Immigration Policy's Public Charge Takes Sharp Right Turn Closing Doors and Denying Needs - Published and distributed blog post on, February 23, 2020
2020 Census Engagement - Literature Distribution and Community Contact in coordination with the Queens Borough President's Complete Count Committee; July, 2019 - Present
NYC Metropolitan Transportation Authority Queens Bus Network Redesign Forum - Participant; Sponsored by Offices of Council members Miller and Adams; York College, February 11, 2020
Congressional Black Caucus' National Black Leadership Summit - The Fight For Justice: Participant, Washington, D.C.; February 5, 2020
Queens Borough President Candidates Forum - Attendee, Harvest Room, Jamaica, NY; January 19, 2020
NYC Metropolitan Transportation Authority Queens Bus Network Redesign Workshop - Participant, SUNY-Queens EOC, January 23, 2020
Know Your Rights | Immigration Rights Teach-In/Learn-In: Safety & Planning - Sponsored and organized this workshop with the support of Queens Legal Services; ICNA, Jamaica, NY; January 14, 2020
Poverty Isn't A Myth: Food Insecurity & SNAP Rule Changes Bite of Immorality: Published and distributed blog post on, December 5, 2019
Community Pre-Thanksgiving Turkey Distribution - Assisted distribution of Halal turkeys to Muslim community residents; Sponsored by the Office of Councilman I. Daneek Miller, 27th C.D., Shiloh Baptist Church, Jamaica, NY; November 25, 2019
Mayor's Town Hall Q & A Meeting - Attendee; Sponsored by Councilwoman Adrienne Adams, 28th CD; August Martin High School, Jamaica, NY; November 13, 2020
Your Early Voting Info Event - Presenter; Sponsored by Christ Church International Ministries, Jamaica, NY; October 19, 2019
National Voter Registration Day - Registered to participate and sponsor a voter registration activity for this national annual day thrust held at ICNA, Jamaica, NY; September 24, 2019
2019 General Election & Voter Registration Info - Published and distributed blog post on preparation for National Voter Registration Day and the 2019 general election; September 22, 2019
113th Precinct Community Affairs National Night Out 2019 - Participated for 2020 Census as part of the Queens Borough President's Complete Count Committee; Baisley Pond Park, Jamaica, NY; August 6, 2019
You Have Rights! Get to Know Them! - Know Your Rights Workshop concerning ICE RAIDS with presentations led by CUNY-CLEAR; Sponsored and organized by SEQMC; ICNA, Jamaica, NY; July 10, 2019
Primary Election SEQMC Voter's Guide - Sponsored development and conducted street and online distribution of Queens DA primary election voter information; June 22 -25, 2019
NYC City Council 'Eid ul Fitr Celebration - Attended and celebrated SEQMC awardee, Khayriyyah Ali at NYC Council Chambers; New York, NY, June 6, 2019
4th Annual Community Ramadan Iftar | Breaking Barriers to Solidify Our Community - Co-sponsored the annual Ramadan Iftar in coordination with Office of Councilman I. Daneek Miller, Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and numerous other community based organizations; Rufus King Park, Jamaica, NY; May 11, 2019
Black Family Empowerment Summit - One of several community co-sponsors of this inaugural community forum led by the efforts of Community Board #12 Youth Development Committee; SUNY-Queens EOC, Jamaica, NY; April 26 - 27, 2019
44th Annual ICNA/MAS Convention | Healing Humanity - Attendee; Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington D.C.; April 19 -21, 2019
The Message Forum | The Hidden Crisis: Women in the Prison Complex - Participant; community forum sponsored by The Message International, ICNA Council for Social Justice, ICNA Relief and Women in Islam; New York, NY; April 5, 2019
5th Annual National Muslim Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill - Attendee; sponsored by the US Council of Muslim Organizations (UCOMO), Washington D.C.; April 2, 2019
United Against Islamophobia | March Against Racism, Bigotry, Xenophobia - Participant; New York, New York, NY; March 24, 2019
They Were Massacred; They Were Martyred in Christchurch, New Zealand - Published and distributed blog post on, March 17, 2019
Interfaith Vigil - Participant; In response to the murder of innocent Muslims at New Zealand mosques; Jamaica Muslim Center, Jamaica, NY; March 17, 2019
Countdown to the NYC Public Advocate Election: What, Who & Why You Will Vote in the February 26th Special Election - Published and distributed blog post on, February 17, 2019
48th Annual New York State Association of Black and Puerto Rican Legislators Caucus - Attendees, Empire State Plaza, Albany NY; February 15 - 17, 2019
Ten Years Ago Today: Barack Hussein Obama Becomes President of the United States - Published and distributed blog post on, January 20, 2019
New York Muslims United for Civic Engagement (NYMUCE) 4th Elected Officials Breakfast - Attendees Staten Island, NY; December 2, 2018
The Loss of a Giant - Published and distributed blog post regarding the death of Mujahid Farid, Founder of Release Aging People From Prison (RAPP); on the website, November 28, 2018
Flip Your Ballot Information Session - Sponsored and organized this community presentation with the support of New York City Charter Revision Commission representatives; SUNY-Queens EOC, Jamaica, NY; October 24, 2018
48th Annual Congressional Black Caucus Legislative Conference - Attendee, Washington, D.C. September 11- 15, 2018
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